International History
Russian revolution:
After centuries of Tsar rule, the Russian people were tired of the absolute monarchy. The last Tsar, Nicholas II, who was also the grandson of late Queen Victoria and the first cousin of the then- British King George V and German Kaiser Wilhelm II, had implemented various reforms for the people, but they were too late.
Tsar Nicholas II |
Russian Revolution is more generally referred to as the October revolution. This revolution was headed by Vladimir Illyrich Ulyanov "Lenin". Lenin led a group of revolutionaries named Bolsheviks. Thus, this revolution is also known as the Bolshevik revolution. There were strikes all over the country and the police and army opened fire on the protestors. Nicholas II was a deeply conservative and dictatorial ruler. Lenin started the revolution on the basis of the ideas of Karl Marx. There was violence all over the country and a civil war had been waged after 1918 AD and Russia withdrew from the World War midway thorugh it. The Bolsheviks executed the imperial family of Russia using a guillotine.
Guillotining a person
Later, Lenin took power of Russia. After the death of Lenin, Josef Stalin took power. The later leaders were :Nikita Khruschev, Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin.
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