"The Great War for Civilization" or more famously known as "World War I" claimed millions of lives from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. The immediate cause of the war was the assassination of His Imperial Highness The Archduke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand ( the heir-apparent to the throne) and Her Serene Highness Princess Sophie in Serbia. Nepal sent 14000 soldiers to fight for Britain, against Austria-Hungary. His Imperial Highness Archduke Franz Ferdinand with Her Serene Highness Princess Sophie The Archduke had a morganatic wedding with Sophie Chotek in 1899, who he met at a ball in 1894. The marriage meant that Sophie couldn't be seen in public functions anywhere near the Archduke when in royal duty, because of her non-royal lineage. The only exception was when he was fulfilling his military duties. So, under the pretext of inspecting the Serbian army, the Archduke went to meet his death, But, 21 years before he was shot in the neck by Gavrilo...
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