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Melawa Devi's departure from the Palace

Shree Teen Maharajah Chandra Shumsher ruled over Nepal for 28 long years as the Prime Minister of Nepal and the Maharajah of Kaski and Lamjung. He is popular for his lavish palaces and developmental works. Chandra Nahar , the first irrigation project of Nepal, was constructed during his tenure, with Colonel Dilli Jung Thapa as the chief engineer. He is more popular for the abolishing of Sati and Slavery system, which were major problems back in his day. In 1924 AD, he spent Rs. 36,70,000 to free all the slaves in the country. It was compulsory for all the slaves to be freed, which included his palace as well. Almost all "slaves" who didn't want to stay at their masters' house started leaving. The real shocker came when "Melawi Devi", one of the royal maids of the Maharajah, also expressed her desire to leave the "Singha Durbar", and she did it publicly.

Maharaj Chandra Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana, one of the most influential politicians in the history of Nepal

Melawa Devi was one of the most popular maids of Singha Durbar, the real powerhouse of Nepal during the Rana-era (and now). She was extremely famous for her dancing and singing skills, which caught the eye of the Maharajah. She was employed as a maid for her aforementioned characters, of which she made full use to impress her master. During those times, a favourite maid of the Maharajah would receive a vast fortune in the form of jewels. So, it was desired by every maid to become a "favourite".

So, why did Melawa Devi decide to depart from this "jewel" mine? It turned out, later, that she had an affair with Bhagatkrishna "Ustad", who sang classical songs in the palace and was equally popular in the palace. After obtaining the Maharajah's permission to leave the duty, she started living with the Ustad and married him. On hearing this, the Maharajah became furious and fired the Ustad from the job and banned him from appearing anywhere near Singha Durbar. Melawa Devi later became an eminent singer in Nepal.
Postal Stamp issued in the name of Melawa Devi. Source:


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